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United States
Taiwanese School of Atlanta
United States

Taiwanese School of Atlanta

Peachtree Corners
United States
United States

Taiwanese School of Atlanta

Peachtree Corners
United States


Since TSA was established in 1998, we only teach "Traditional" Mandarin along with the Taiwanese culture and heritage related classes. This is our strength, also the very unique spirits of our School, within the metro Atlanta areas. After 1996 Olympic Games, Atlanta has grown to an international city with various culture mixtures. More and more people with different background eagerly tried to learn Mandarin as the career tool or the daily life necessity. Our strategies are using the community magazines adding on the social medias as the advertisements to attract the upper lever non-Mandarin speaking adults to attend our TCML programs. Eventually from learning language to understand Taiwanese culture, recognize Taiwanese value within the international society and further!

Course Features

Besides the regular textbooks “Let's Learn Mandarin” provided by Taiwan OCAC, we have added on the Taiwanese cultures and heritage related classes, such as Drum Team, Calligraphy...etc. Our School always celebrate a lot of Taiwanese special events, such as Lunar New Year, Lantern Festival, and Mid-Autumn Festival. The TCML students will learn and coordinate accordingly. Due to TSA owns the School facilities, our teachers are also able to teach the "real life" classes depends on the four seasons environment changes surrounding the School areas. This is the most practical lessons the adult students will learn from our TCML program.

Contact Us

Telephone: (770) 446-6579



3070 Corners N Ct, Peachtree Corners, GA 30071