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West Coast
United States
Modesto Chinese School
West Coast
United States

Modesto Chinese School

United States
West Coast
United States

Modesto Chinese School

United States


I am Huey Ying Lee, Director of TCML- Modesto Chinese School, which was established in 2022 in cooperation with Modesto Junior College. Modesto is in Stanislaus County, which is agriculturally based and located 100 miles southeast of San Francisco. The linguistic background is English and Spanish.Our goals are to understand students’ background, culture, language ability and learning motivation in advance, observe students’ interactive ability and make appropriate adjustments when necessary.Our learning model can improve personal professionalism, strengthen learning effects and atmosphere, and accumulate into a successful model.

Course Features

We use the "Let’s Learn Mandarin" textbook and workbook as the main resources and "Speak Mandarin in 500 Words" as a supplement. Teachers use the textbook step by step as well as the electronic resources provided, such as Quizlet, PowerPoints, and so on, building new information onto the old.Our focus is on listening and speaking, supplemented by reading and writing.We use a hybrid format of online and in-person teaching, as well as visits to Chinese restaurants, Asian markets, and encourage students to participate in various cultural activities, such as the Lunar New Year Celebration, Mid-Autumn Festival, Taiwanese Cooking Demos, singing Mandarin songs, etc. and multicultural events, such as International Festival, City of Modesto multicultural celebrations, etc. We believe in the use of practical life experiences to enrich development of language and cultural awareness.

Contact Us

Application Form: Apply here


600 E union Ave, Modesto, CA 95356