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West Coast
United States
I-Kuan Tao FYCD Cultural and Educational Association of Washington
West Coast
United States

I-Kuan Tao FYCD Cultural and Educational Association of Washington

United States
West Coast
United States

I-Kuan Tao FYCD Cultural and Educational Association of Washington

United States


Because learning Mandarin is in popular demand in the U.S., we established the Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning in January 2022. This center teaches Mandarin as a second language for adults who are 18 years and older. The content of the course is based on the textbook "Let’s Learn Mandarin" edited by the Overseas Community Affairs Council. This textbook follows foreign language teaching concepts. Students learn vocabulary needed in daily life through natural dialogue. In addition, we will introduce Taiwanese culture, cuisine and historical sites, so that students can experience the traditions of Taiwan. We hope that through cultural teaching, Mandarin teaching will not only provide an essential tool for communication, but also gain the understanding of other ethnic groups, resulting in reciprocal and trusting friendships.

Course Features

Follow foreign language teaching concepts.Build vocabulary through natural dialogue.Explore culture and customs.

Contact Us


711 Monroe Ave NE, Renton, WA 98056