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Česko-Tchaj-wanská Společnost

Česko-Tchaj-wanská Společnost

Czech Republic

Česko-Tchaj-wanská Společnost

Czech Republic


The Czech TCML was founded in June 2019. Since then, it has been running a school teaching traditional Chinese in Prague as a non-profit organization. In 2023, according to the plan of the Overseas Community Affairs Council (R.O.C.), it established the first Taiwanese Mandarin teaching center in the Czech Republic. Courses are available to interested local residents over 18 years of age. The company integrates local learning resources and provides job opportunities for Mandarin tutors. It also organizes various events and activities to promote the Chinese language with an emphasis on Taiwanese culture. Among other things, the center has its own library with book and audio-visual content in Mandarin, which provides those interested with the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of Taiwan and its culture.

Course Features

"Taiwan Mandarin Learning Center works with textbooks “Let’s learn Mandarin!" (Let's Learn Chinese) published by the Overseas Community Affairs Council. Students gradually learn Pinyin (the Romanized Chinese phonetic alphabet). Teaching takes place in traditional classrooms in a face-to-face format, and online lessons are also available for those interested. In the spring and autumn semesters we offer beginner and conversation courses in Prague. We also organize special company courses for employees of the Taiwanese company Wistron Infocomm in Brno. Through personal topics close to everyday life combined with examples of Taiwanese culture, we try to overcome cultural differences. Thanks to our library, students have the opportunity to constantly improve their Chinese even in free time. The center is preparing to expand its offer of courses to the art of calligraphy, food art and traditional tea preparation. At the same time, it plans to organize events on the occasion of the New Year, the Dragon Boat Festival or the Mid-Autumn Festival, with the aim of bringing the unique and warm atmosphere of Taiwanese holidays closer to students and visitors.

Contact Us


Česko-Tchaj-wanská společnost, z. s. adresa: Sněmovní 7, 160 00 Malá Strana